Your day-to-day existence is about as wild as para-sailing on the surface of the sun, and there is no respite, no escape. Within the last 24 hours you have picked up another human being, flipped him over, sniffed his butt, and yelled either, “No poops!” or, “Oh God, you stink.” You’ve said, “Come here and let me pick your nose.” You have been grateful for the sustenance provided by eating someone else’s leftover sandwich crust.

You, my friend, are the parent of a young kid, and social norms don’t apply to you. Rules of etiquette don’t apply to you, and dammit, sometimes the laws of physics don’t even apply to you either. (Example: I’m pretty sure I tore through the fabric of space-time the other day to get to my baby before she plummeted headfirst down the stairs.)

People who have never had young kids can’t fathom it. People whose kids have gotten past it have blocked the trauma. You are in it, and you are a parenting samurai armed with a cheese stick sword and a Boogie Wipe shield. Logic no longer applies. Nothing applies, least of all those hackneyed old sayings that people not embroiled in a diaper windstorm love to nod at and take comfort in.

But I want it. I want the little sayings. I want the comfort. I want them and I want them to make sense for MY world. So, I’d like to propose some rewrites to those old adages to make them more relevant to us, the ones in the sticky, smelly trenches. Us — the parents of young kids (POYK).

Silence is…

Non-parents of young kids: Golden
Parents of young kids: Indicative of a massive upcoming upholstery cleaning and/or plumbing bill

Children should be…

Non-POYK: Seen and not heard
POYK: Seen and heard by a babysitter while we are out at a bar

There is nothing as ______ as a child’s laughter.

Non-POYK: Joyful
POYK: Suspicious

Many hands make…

Non-POYK: Light work
POYK: A massive freaking mess

Cleanliness is next to…

Non-POYK: Godliness
POYK: Impossible (for good reasons)

If it ain’t broke…

Non-POYK: Don’t fix it
POYK: I’ll be pissed that I wasted $20 on a copay

One man’s trash is…

Non-POYK: Another man’s treasure
POYK: Going to end up in my toddler’s mouth


Non-POYK: Killed the cat
POYK: Will probably kill this kid if I ever try to go to the bathroom by myself (or, God forbid, try to shower)

Better safe than…

Non-POYK: Sorry
POYK: On DCF’s radar

Stop and smell the…

Non-POYK: Roses
POYK: Diaper before you end up in a poop-up-the-back situation

The best things in life are…

Non-POYK: Free
POYK: Naps

Better late than…

Non-POYK: Never
POYK: Naked

The pen is mightier than…

Non-POYK: The sword
POYK: Absolutely any cleaning solution ever invented by humankind

People who live in glass houses shouldn’t…

Non-POYK: Throw stones
POYK: Invite us over

Amanda Rotondo
After growing up in Connecticut and roaming the Northeast as an academic nomad for 100 years and 100 apartments, Amanda is now happily settled north of Boston. Her handsome gentleman caller (aka husband) and she were enjoying life as unbearable DINKs, then somehow ended up having three children in the span of four years (currently 4, 2, and 10 months.) Go big or go home, right? Amanda works as a user experience research and design consultant and also has a side hustle making artisanal garlic salt (for real! She has a PhD in human-computer interaction and uses it for two things: 1) Work, and 2) referencing when she does something idiotic (example: “Officer can you help me? I have lost my car in the mall parking lot and have been searching for it for almost 2 hours. And by the way, I have a PhD.”) Amanda loves bargains, gardening, thunderstorms, and a solid 25%-30% of people. She is terrified of lobsters, the word “slacks,” and of the remaining 70%-75% of people. 


  1. Loved this post and I still identify with all your rewrites even tho I survived these years somehow a long time ago. Matbe it is just PTSD like responses to the sometimes blood curdling screams I hear from another table while peacefully enjoying my dinner. The ever fond recall of a well executed stink eye by a young parent. Keep up the great work

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