Pregnancy is a special time. A woman’s body is going through so many changes in order to support and nurture new life. And, let’s be honest, a lot of those changes suck, particularly in the third trimester. If you’re currently in the third trimester, I hope you can identify with (and laugh about) some of these “special” changes. If you’re in the earlier stages of pregnancy, here are some things you can look forward to. (And if your pregnancies are behind you, you can nod knowingly and be glad these things are in your past.) So, without further ado…

You know you’re in the third trimester of pregnancy when…

…you reject any item of clothing that isn’t stretchy pants (winter) or a muumuu (summer).

…putting your socks on constitutes a workout.

…your belly is now big enough that it causes fellow passengers on the bus or train to look up from their phones and (maybe) offer you their seat.

…you basically have to carry your toddler above your head when she demands to be picked up because there’s no place for her around your waist.

…some part of you — stomach, uterus, or bladder — always feels like it could burst at any second.

…you are single-handedly increasing the quarterly profit of your preferred toilet paper vendor.

…you drop something on the floor and stop to consider how badly you actually need it — or if it can wait until the baby comes.

…your belly becomes a shelf for your phone, the remote control, your book, your computer…

…also, your belly is covered with crumbs or other food stains after practically every meal.

…your nightly dessert is a tall, cold glass of Metamucil.

…you’re nesting. As in, you’ve literally made yourself a nest out of pillows and blankets to try and get some comfortable sleep.

…none of your shoes fit, so you find yourself wearing flip-flops during a snowstorm.

…someone says the phrase, “Not long now!” or asks you, “Are you sure it’s not twins?” almost every day.

…you don’t walk, you waddle.

…you wake up five times a night to pee. And so does your husband, because you need him to push you out of bed!

Thanks to the other Boston Moms Blog contributors for sharing their own third-trimester woes!


Rachel Wilson
Rachel is a native of the West Coast and didn't know that her straight hair could frizz until she made the move East! After earning a Master of Environmental Management from Yale, she moved to Boston for a job opportunity and, on her first Saturday night in the city, met the man who would become her husband. They married in 2012 and are learning more every day about how to be parents to daughters Annabel (2013) and Eleanor (2016). Rachel and her family recently relocated from Charlestown to the Metrowest suburbs and are enjoying their yard, but dislike shoveling snow from their driveway. Rachel currently works as an energy and environmental consultant, and wore Birkenstocks before they were trendy. Likes: her family, her in-laws, cooking ambitious meals and leaving the dishes for someone else, hiking, running, yoga, climbing mountains, reading books, farmers' markets and her CSA, dark chocolate peanut butter cups, the sound of her daughters' laughter, and coffee Dislikes: running out of milk, New England winters, diaper rash, wastefulness, cell phones at the dinner table