Chelsey Weaver

Chelsey Weaver
Chelsey is a "central Mass" girl who married her 7th-grade sweetheart. She attended both undergraduate and graduate school in Boston, then taught high school on the North Shore for seven years. After living in Winchester and Melrose for several years (and moving too many times), she and her husband finally settled in Groveland in 2015. She loves the North Shore and everything it has to offer, and she enjoys raising her daughter there. Chelsey is the community engagement coordinator for Boston Moms and is mostly a stay-at-home mom. She spends lots of time advocating for children with disabilities, arguing with insurance companies, and looking for disabled influencers, inclusive companies, and materials that celebrate neurodiversity. She avidly listens to audiobooks, hates everything about coffee, and, most importantly, loves being a mom.

In Case You Missed It..

5 Concerts to Take Your Kids to (That Aren’t Kids Bands!)

Live music is a fantastic experience, no matter your age! Who doesn't remember the excitement of seeing a band perform live on stage for the first time? Taking your kids to a live concert can be a bit tricky, though. There is only so much Kidz Bop a parent can take. But is a "real" concert going to be family friendly? Here are a few bands that put on a great show that will be loved by both the parents and the kids alike!